After seven long weeks, today is the day! The last day of Video and Sound! So after four long weeks my video project is complete!
So the concept was a ‘cheesy’ YouTube tutorial on “How to Code Human”. With me as the coder, Stan as the “Human”, and Grau as our wonderful cameraman and editor! Essentially we started simple: a hello, some other human action and then one big, bold action that inevitably fails due to a ‘human’ error on the coder’s part (the classic missing semicolon)! This was inspired by the how2basic channel and other such YouTube tutorials and just our PComp and ICM work.
Our concept and storyboard was pretty straightforwards from concept to drawing– stretched a few old muscles from my MunchCo days for that! What really was the difficulties of this on me was the acting and hamming it up– as people know I’m particularly camera shy. I was originally going to be the cameraperson but Grau had mentioned he wanted to try out the cameraman dealio so out of my comfort zone I go! (The 9 AM Monday morning shootings weren’t helpful either but we all suffer for our art).
My process was just the acting so really it was just going in balls in to be very frank. Just get in there, get it done, and make a cheesy video. But not in the bad way– we definitely had fun with that!
I’m just really proud of just doing it and actually liking it and not being self conscious? Usually within a day or two I just hate things I do, I don’t know if that’s a me thing or not, but this is something I legit want to share on facebook to my friends and stuff so I guess that’s a good thing?
(Also of course I learned some basics of premiere. Unfortunately I couldn’t get a full copy of it for myself but at least I know when it comes to documentation time I can re-familiarize myself with the program and being that’s it’s Adobe and kind of similar to Audition, I should be fine!)
And so with that I give you………………………………How to Code Human!