Fandom: Case Study

Fandom: Star Wars; Particularly a nice corner bases of the now Legends/Extended Universe series Republic Commando. Cohesion Tactics: Enforcing cultural or social norms, Punishing infractions Incident Summary: Gena and Izzy’s calling out on Dakka and Vik’s bigotry is faced with silence and/or antagonism by those who “support” Vik, claiming critical critique of the writing/fandom is reflective to inherent racism/misogyny …

Week Two: Eridium Bar Prop

So my enclosure is a prototype positive for a prop piece, testing out a magnet enclosure. So it’s to hold a light source and a battery, and that’s pretty much it. I might revisit it with other iterations in the future though before. Sketches: And here’s the models:

Fandom Timeline

Fandom Timeline; as told in my artwork. Chosen was non OC based pieces with the most prevalent artworks made that year. I know for a fact there should be Gundam Wing art for 2002-2003 and Tales of Symphonia art for 2004-2005, but I believe the scans were casualties of when my old external hard drive …